J e s s Sep 7, 2018 Hello! 4-5pm is fine! If you’d like, I can scan one of the sanrio RVs to my town and you can purchase any items from it when delivering the items? I remember seeing sanrio items on your wishlist!
Hello! 4-5pm is fine! If you’d like, I can scan one of the sanrio RVs to my town and you can purchase any items from it when delivering the items? I remember seeing sanrio items on your wishlist!
bodhirookandor Sep 6, 2018 oh im sorry! apparently when i tried to add you i made a typo. thats on me. im open again!
bodhirookandor Sep 6, 2018 hi! sorry! weird internet stuff. im gonna do a few trades and i'll open my gates! tysm!
Luna Moonbug Jul 17, 2016 btw...i just found my other cabana chair....i can deliver now if you have a minute and it's been refurbished too lol
btw...i just found my other cabana chair....i can deliver now if you have a minute and it's been refurbished too lol
Luna Moonbug Jul 17, 2016 thanks....i refurbished the chair...i believe you can ask the dude to restore it to original....i just realize it...sorry again
thanks....i refurbished the chair...i believe you can ask the dude to restore it to original....i just realize it...sorry again
Luna Moonbug Jul 17, 2016 sorry i only have 1 cabana chair....so 20 tbt total for the others...sorry about that yes lol..yato's hilarious and cute lol
sorry i only have 1 cabana chair....so 20 tbt total for the others...sorry about that yes lol..yato's hilarious and cute lol
Luna Moonbug Jul 17, 2016 just wanted to mentioned...i love noragami lol....i watch it over and over and read the manga too
serena186 Jul 5, 2016 Update: I now have internet again (YAY)! The auction will presume as planned this Thursday.