serena186 - Order ready
palatial tank dress 640
palace tile 3200
pink pj bottoms 240
full-moon vanity 4360
pantheon post 3600
pisces lamp 4800
libra scale 4800
campfire 1360
blue glow wand 20k
bubble wand 99k = 142,000 + fee 150,000
sloppy wallpaper 99k = 249,000 (2 bags of 99k + 51k)
Department Wall
--- Department Floor
--- Convenient Wall
--- Convenient Floor
--- Recycle-Shop Wall
--- Recycle-Shop Floor
--- Home-Center Wall
--- Home-Center Floor
--- Supermarket Wall
--- Supermarket Floor = 1,980,000 (20 bags of 99k) Edit : forgot the first one