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  • Thank youuuu~ Terima kasihhh :blush: I'm not sure how it's usually spoken in Malaysia, but in Indo we often shorten it as makasih.

    Oh by the way I've checked your art thread! Hnnng I love your style so much, Kyle's textures really add to the charm! I'd love to commission you sometimes :blush:
    of course we do! there's even a whole thread where dedicated to the site, p active with the new color wheel release now too!

    yeaaaah it's annoying and my mom being a hypocrite i s2g

    aight ;)
    it's a virtual dragon site where you take care, breed, feed etc. dragons and there is also a forum to it andit's kinda small so they only have reg. open windows like once a month or every other/third, you have to check out the thread here or the site for when it's open :3

    yeah, thanks *huggss* so yeah mom called and wondered cause both of us thought i'd get money by now and she was like "uuh moko but i saw you were getting some back now, i saw when dad was here helping you" i'm like yeah so did i i had no idea i had to pay back and i can't do that until next idek thursday or something and dad sad he could pay like $120 or what it was i "owe" them but still i could have used some extra money fcking ass tax people.. and she was like i can't pay everything for you.. uh yeah i never said you should?? like lit the only thing you pay for me is like food and then i buy most of it anyways except for her lunches lmao
    ah yeah it's not too much i have to pay back but smh i think it's because we sold shares but still sucksss should have applied for some work over the summer if i knew siiiiiigh. i guess i can ask dad nicely but still smh.

    ahh have fun i'm tidying my FR account because tbh I have so many dergs lmao.
    *hugs neesan* <3 thankss and yeah i hope it is or it could be hybrid stuff anyways if it's carnations i need 12 of em haah.

    well every year if you like work, sold shares or stuff you need to fill out a form at the tax authority here so they know what business you do and not hiding stuff at cayman islands and crap and yeah me and dad sold some shares last year which we've done before without problem and during this time they usually pay you back unless you have debts to them and idek so yeah both my mom and her co-worker got their stuff back, well they never sold stuff but yeah you get the pic so I checked my account at the tax site(you can do stuff online nowadays) and yeah they never paid me anything so i log on to the page where you fill out the form, nope says i need to pay stuff back I guess ( I don't get anything official paper until later next week) and if i get anything back from them i have to wait 2 more months, ****
    also no news about red carnations kinda sucked maybe it will come later though

    also neesan cheer me up
    no idea i'd just spam my turtman anyways lulsss

    *walks away and hides under table until august* :/ hah sorry im just a bit pissed rn bc tax return crap or rather i have to pay back for nothing lol
    hi <3

    i drew your mayor (again) it's in my art thread if u want to check it out :D
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