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  • probably aha i was going insane i cant lose my acnl cartridge i've spent so much time on my town its crazy (yet its still ugly and underdeveloped oops but its getting there)
    lmao you have an interesting mind.. ahh seems like a nice place though.. and yay soon done with turt :0 and yeah i wish knew it better too ahah,
    ohhh i see thank you so much !!
    i found it under my mom's bed i have literally NO idea how it got there
    how do you get the spoiler in your signature to be smaller?
    ps i found my cartridge :D
    XD nooo it's not a lullaby. the title is like "the round/patrol of the soldier" and it basically tells the story of someone not wanting to be in the colonial war and being against it and deserting so the lyrics is somewhat meta too if you get the circumstances(f. ex. jose mario branco lived in exile in France because he was protesting against the war). another one of those famous protest songs from back in the days.

    and nice :0 my city is kinda big so you have to take train or buses everywhere if you wanna go somewhere
    I'm glad you love my bbus! I always thought people weren't fond of them but I'm glad you like them since they're all still a work in progress.

    Here you go:
    2. Hatori(here on tbt, they do freebies if you message them)
    3. I have to message the person I got this, it was a adopt.
    5. Kyukon(here on tbt as well)
    6. here on tbt)
    7. Zane(here on tbt as well)
    You can look through my stashes and tell me what artist you're interested in orz.

    There's also my homestuck folder and gems:

    Most of my artist I commission are usually the same orz. Some can be $2, $5, etc. The highest I paid for one piece alone will be $40($60 was one artist). Others are just adopts(I rarely adopt since I love designing my own characters so basically all my ocs are designs I did myself, I just got someone to draw my concept). When you look through my stashes and find a style you like, I'll tell you to artist who did it orz.
    Also yeah all the teenage girls looks really cheap ho style and use way too much make-up lol -_- And yeah a lot of people are like really sassy and act miffed 24*7 lol
    like.. friends to the royal family rich or just business people rich selling properties and crap XD and yeah they have really fancy pants clothes and speak with a really ugly accent (trying to sound really fancy lol). And yeah heat wasn't too bad actually it was cooler so I could go ;3
    i see and yeah sounds gross :0 back from the book store now though :D i love going there cause it's messy af but they have a lot!

    also to get there you have to take the subway to the really fancy parts of town where all the the rich and upperclass people live so it's really fun just walking there watching everyone lmao
    Depends. Most of the artist I commission prices varies from 5-40. I can order multiple pieces and my total can come up to 40(mostly my sprites). It depends on who I'm commissioning since I have a particular style I like lol. I can list some if you're interested!
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