hi! so here are my thoughts:
I really liked the first house we went to. it reminded me of the Grand Budapest Hotel (you can just search pictures of it, it really does look similar in my opinion
). I loved the bath, and I think the wooden bath suits it just fine. The dining room on the right was really nice, especially the wallpaper. The basement was also a nice surprise, I never thought of using the 7/11 items for a bar!
The house on the right, the dormitory, was my 2nd favorite. I loved how different each room was (each with its own "inhabitant." My favorite room was the one with the treadmill.
I really love how you layout your furniture, even in tight spaces, (like the upstairs bedroom of your latest character). It's obvious you put a lot of thought into each house, and into your town as well. I can see it becoming one of the top towns soon, if not already.
thanks for having me over! it was great seeing your town!