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  • Yeah sure IL message you
    :) or incase if I forget for the moment
    Just check the thread of 16 cycle for gigi
    Where I'm giving away all the animals I don't need nor care
    Just saying
    I have skye in my purely town
    Maybe tomorrow when she leave (well IL try to make it tomorrow) you can grab her
    (Probably she leave sort soonish
    I'm about to void octavian
    Because I wanna be done with the 16 cycle of gigi

    Ps I know all about these because I saw you talking who was selling skye
    Hey, if you're around, sure, you can have Sylvia, just let me know, she's still in boxes. And thanks, but really, I'm just starting the cycle, and I have a good amount of villagers I want to keep so I can't be super aggressive about it. It will probably take quite a while before I'm ready to invite Cherry back.
    oh right, I should have specified lmao, it's the one for Yurei!
    just let me gather the items and I'll be right over :)
    Dairus-The-Fox - Order ready
    Plaza Tile 2180
    Imperial Tile 2980
    Red Tile 1680 = 6840 + fee = 10,000
    Darius-The-Fox - Order ready
    Flat screen tv 4800
    modern wood set (minus wall)
    bed 1680
    chair 1200
    chest 1480
    clock 1400
    closet 1600
    flooring 1480
    lamp 1680
    shelf 1840
    sofa 1600
    stool 1480
    table 1980
    tv 1800= 19220
    wooden stool 1000
    foosball table 1800 = 26,820 + fee = 99,000 (15)
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