• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.
Shadow Star

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  • "I think what I'll do is do a sketch on paper and then do the colour/lines on digital once I scan it in"

    haha that's what I always do! you might also consider a drawing tablet for digital art but it's kinda expensive and the one I have didn't really serve me well so I dunno :p
    if you want to try digital art start with Photoshop because if you went with ancient programs like mspaint like I did you'll stick to it and limit your options and make things harder for you and take more time. from your second paragraph I understood that you want to make different "layers" or make animated stuff? sorry if that wasn't your point but really seek the latest Photoshop installment it is an amazing software and there are infinite tutorials on how to use it. but that's just me, if it isn't you cuppa tea then seek something else~
    good luck ;)
    only do whatever you feel comfortable with, whether it's digital/traditional art or whatever tools u use doesn't matter, it is up to u alone. and don't copy other people's styles because you'll end up just comparing and judging your art based on someone else's and you'll only be disappointed and never happy with your art in the end, I've been there once in my life, never again :p
    try to find your own style first which is the style of drawing that comes out from you naturally, AFTER you have found a style you could stick to, you can then go challenging yourself with different styles out of your comfortable zone but not before because you'll end up sucking lol :p
    I also suggest that you make a past and present pics to compare them to see how much u improved. I learned a lot of stuff from deviant art they have so many tutorials and art comparisons and stuff that can inspire you. and inspire me they did :'3
    thank you, you're so sweet, but this is my art from before 2011, now I don't have the patience I had back then, and I'm a very slow artist who can only draw on a certain mood that's why it could take over 2 weeks for me to make a simple drawing. plus I use ancient programs like mspaint and paint shop pro lol! I'm not that good at photoshop or using a drawing tablet...
    but there's something I noticed about myself that you might consider, to me art is something I look at as a hobby so it's something I do when I want to do it and I can't draw when I feel "forced" that's why I sucked when I was demanded to do art and I can't take art lessons because of that. it has to be something that comes from the heart and something you have passion for and you have to actually enjoy doing it.
    you can't force it into yourself

    I heard you are adding more people on your friends list for Splatoon.

    Is it OK if I add you? I assume I would just add the NNID below your avatar.
    Yeah it would've been nice if we were on the same team for a few of those matches
    You sound good. We both love Vocaloid and I've been looking for someone's town to visit.
    Thank you so much for being patient the whole time! Send the BTB whenever you're ready, hun. :blush: (Unless I'm derping and you already have, I'll go check. x'D)
    Great! I can trade you right now! I'm using my fiance's 3DS since my wireless switch broke, so please add him. His FC is 3840-5225-1588, but my IGN will still be Lexie! There might be one trade happening before you, but it won't take long! You ordered Yoshi (shiny Trapinch) and Sparky (shiny Shinx), correct? Am I forgetting anything? :blush:
    Hello, hun! :blush: Let me know when you're on and we'll trade. It's 12:30PM PST right now, what's your timezone? I'm sorry for making you wait, but thank you for being so sweet and patient!
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