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  • Hi, there's a selling Diana thread goin on. I'm low on tbt and igb, but I can help you
    My town if thats fine c: i dont need the mushrooms btw and only half of the hibiscus, so 10 and 10 of each but the rest is fine c:
    Hi. I'm going to stop hunting unless I really feeel like it. My favorite villager just moved out and I'm in a recooperation stage. I'm sorry
    I home now and still interested. If we can't trsde this weekend, lmk what works for you c:
    Well, okay. If you ever need a specific villager just let me know. I have a lot of popular ones in my cycling town.
    It's okay, I want to pay. I don't really have much use for this much TBT anyways. Can I have your FC by the way? It's not on your profile.
    Alright, give me a few minutes. I have my cycling town open for someone to pick a villager up, but they're not on a good connection apparently. Sorry for any delays.
    No problem, but she won't be available until somebody takes Poppy: just a tip :)
    Yep, got Poppy still, but for much longer. I need to go back to cycling
    Oh yes
    Punchy is now yours!
    Friends first, I might get him later
    So I have for you:
    Maybe Ankha: you need to be there first! >:)

    Also, do you care about originallity? My friend has hooked up with me and has unoriginal Marshal and Dina. I can only get one though
    Yeah, I reserved Ribbot in another cycle thread for you, and they don't take reservations. Don't ask me how that happened
    Yeah, your talking about SellMeFurniture right? Glad he got him, but I like watching those people lurking for just that one villager, willing to pay super high prices. I always love to watch how it'll unfold. I actually beat him to a Ribbot giveaway, which still surprises me. Well then, time to find another member obsesessed with one villager! And Poppy's still here, staring at me, just looking with those eyes...
    Hi, I need Poppy gone, and I can still hold Ribbot. Sorry if I'm bothering you!
    There's a thread giving away Ankha, and I can still hold Ribbot. Oh and Poppy is still in boxes :)
    Saw your post on my thread and im very interested c: ill be available to trade after 7pm pst tonight. Lmk what works for you c:
    If your online, I can hold Ribbot for you. However, please make it quick, I have to leave in 10 minutes! ;_;
    I actually am going to bed. Need sleep for SAT. Hope Rosie finds a good home!
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