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  • Hiya! Any luck with finding someone to move away? I'm pretty easily available today, have a few errands to run but other than that I'll be at home. Thank you :)
    :) opening up now~ please feel free to grab any of the items I have set up around the train station~
    hi ankha is ready but someone will be coming to pick up another villager first so it will be about 10 minutes or so :)
    it's fine, no rush ^^
    just let me know when you can adopt ankha, doesn't have to be today!
    hi! thanks for your request. ankha moved in so vm me whenever you're ready to pick her up!
    can't promise i'll let kabuki go if i find him =w= probably will put him in my friend's town to get back for my new town, but the rest i'll definitely let you know if they appear!
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