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  • heyo, i'm online now! i also think i have the lunar horizon (i was going to post on your thread but i think it's just better to mention it here) i'll sell for tbt if that's okay?
    I am eastern so it will probably be by tomorrow then unless you stay up late you are 4 hours ahead of me. it is 3 14 pm right now.
    hi sorry for the late reply I am restocking my town and won't be able to complete your order till after 8 pm tonight, switching things over from my other towns as it takes some time and i had some big orders but I will have your items tonight and the extra crown is fine.
    let me know when your on next and I will get your order ready and please add this fc:4382-2511-6319
    did you still need igb? you said you needed some so I thought Id help since you were offering tbt! if you do please visitor message me back : D
    Um thanks, and I'd like to ask you a question. It's kinda personal so feel free to pm. I made the team last year so I'd be devastated if I made it this year
    Haha, so have I. I wasnt on the entire day yesterday and soccer tryouts ended today. I'm kina sad I made the team though, becaus epractice is evry day for 5 hours
    Hi! Oh, it's totally okay! I go through the same thing all the time, so I totally understand ^-^ Ah, you're welcome~ I'm ready now if you are!
    I dunno why we keep getting Resetti ;-; I hope it's not due to the different countries. Reopening gates again
    I held her just for you :) Don't feel sorry! D:
    I would feel quite bad if I had promised you a villager and didn't give her to you! Please add my FC and send the TBT and once I've verified that we've added each other, my gates will be open :)
    Hello! I sent you a PM a while ago but I'm not sure if you noticed or not, so I'm here to ask whether you're ready to get the bush starts or not ^^ Reply to me whenever as I have them ready ^-^
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