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  • Is your shiny pokemon contest still on? Because it seems like you are not checking out the guesses :/
    Alright, I'm getting on Pokemon now! c: Then I'll wait for your animal crossing gates to be open~
    If it's backwards, you can TT to real time (ie, game says 18th and you TT to 14th), they usually plant their houses next 'day'.
    Look up the 'new villager plot reset trick' if you're worried about where he'll put his house.
    I usually don't, but my towns are all pretty disorganized.
    EDIT: I have to go, about to head offline. Great meeting/chatting with you. There are probably answers to your questions in the New Leaf subforum.
    Yup, I have brothers too, and a sister. Benefits and draw-backs to both :)
    The Island is a lot more fun with family.
    Gate is open, hope your turnips go better next week >.<
    Not a bad trade-off though, getting your dreamie instead. Since I'm not selling him, guess that's in lieu of a price :)
    I'll see if the other town on this 3DS/FC has better prices, you can sell there if it's better. I'll edit this VM with the price.
    EDIT: Not that much better, 90. I'll open Acacia.
    If your signature is current (9 villagers) you won't need to boot anybody, but you'd be selling at a loss - they're 88 in-town.
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