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  • O'Hare was adopted. I'll let you know if Tom gets in boxes or another villager worth putting up is so I don't waste your time c:
    Sorry for the late reply! Could I change it to 2mil? I now have 10 TBT! I'll go ahead and open my gates.
    thanks, but i already found better dates for what i'm doing now from someone else. good luck tho, and let me know if you ever have another yoshi or togepi that you need to sell.
    yes as he has been with me for over a year now. He just not set to out move yet will be be soon, yes, he hasn't changed must, I have tried to keep him,. He is very loyal. I can VM you ss soom as he is ready to go if tjat us?
    thanks for that info. ive been afk most of afternoon and evening. as mentioned in my pm and on your thread, i needed all three eggs to make my lineup work. but you then sold the yoshi separately. so i will have to figure out now if there is some other way i can use waluigi and classic eggs first before i will buy them. do you know anyone else selling a yoshi egg? if i get the yoshi then i would for sure buy the other two. without yoshi, im not sure yet...
    The only cat villagers is my fav is Katt but I also lost her due to inactive for a long time and forgot the slowly TT rules T.T
    Or u can prefer take felicity first then can pay me tbt i can trade it elsewhr for igb too
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