• The community has spoken and 8 collectibles have been added to the shop! Congratulations to Chere for designing the winning Ghostly Kitty Ice Cream Cone!

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  • Cool. Yeah it was that Arash Mamoswine so whichever ^^

    Yush.. let's see 450 btb right.

    can trade any time
    Ah sure. I should probably have bought the Eeveelutions earlier but we've been busy with your non-sheet things so xD Sure, let me know if you have the Umbreon or not (or if you can get it) and we could trade at some point :) I will be away most of the day though so either later or tomorrow or whenever :)
    I'll go to sleep soon so have to be later on but that Arash Mamoswine and Se Jun Park Pachirisu. I tend to like those VGC event ones cause moves and stuff. And if you still have Birthday Umbreon.

    Gotta go now though but if you still have them let me know. And I will pay you BTB of course when/if we trade.
    Been going through your Event sheet and actually has some interests there (unless you updated it yesterday on today since I was away)
    Okay i can trade with you if you want! The other trade seems to be canceled, will be adding you now!
    Nice list. I might actually be interested ( let me know if you update it even more) I have to get back to you tomorrow or on saturday night though.
    Serebii. Both are good but since I probably need a lot except those I bought from you and a few others your list would be more convenient.
    probably a lot. but tbh if you have a list it'd be easier for me since going through these databases can be a pain
    thanks dude :D it looks tops. i love troll events like these! let me know if you update that event sheet though
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