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  • Wonderful.
    My list so far is..

    Porygon Z

    If you have a shiny shaymin or female ralts I would love them too ; 3;

    Lame know if you still have the others in stock (´∀`)
    0533 4462 8740
    IGN: Milk
    I'd also love to add a few more shines if you have the time later ; 7;
    Yes I'm online now.
    Let me know what your friend code is.
    Currently using my phone so my bell tree forum use is very limited haha
    next pokemon i need is a Gliscor with Ability poison heal, was thinking 70 would be ok as it is a hidden ability as for nature what ever sop is with poison heal 6iv is perfered, and move set sould work in combo with poison heal. Get back to me if the price is ok and if you can fill order.
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