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  • Okay I;m going to send the leif thing to you and when you ever get online then you can pay me back,
    If you still want the leif collectible I can give it to you for 95 TBT, I don't really like the leif collectible he is to ugly to me.
    I don't know the date on the collectible, I just know I bought on flower week that's been over with like last month I think or 2 months ago, idk really but yeah.
    I don't see your message anywhere, the site has been weird :( I'm free for the next few hours but I do have work most of the day until 5pm so just let me know when you're free so we can schedule something!
    Thank you :) I made the spoiler that narrow by including it in a table. You can't actually see the lines of the table, which is great haha. That's also how I made it possible to put multiple spoilers side by side. If you try quoting my original post in that thread, you should be able to see the code and how I managed to do it!
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