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  • Hi! I have a new Internet connection provider now and because you couldn't visit me back then, it would be useful to try does it work now. So, is it possible you could test it with me? :)
    I just woke up, let me know what time you like me to open my gate. its currently 7:43am PST for me
    I've added you if you still want to buy the kitchen island, my gate open and town name is mauvile :)
    Hi ... no bother at all ... no, I am not looking for Amelia, Hun ... if it was Apollo, I would jump at the chance :rolleyes:
    I am currently thinking I could adopt any of the Deer villagers ... I already have Beau and Bam ... I am also thinking I might like to adopt Annalise, just because she is such a pretty horse ❤️ ... so, if you had any of these ones I would pay to get them ... I only have room in my town for one more villager since I just managed to adopt Phoebe (my favourite of all the ACNL peeps) lol :rolleyes:
    I'm so sorry! I fell asleep by the time that you posted. Is it okay if we trade 10-15 hours from now? :)
    I have ordered your items they will be here tomorrow. My timezone is EST - I will be on at 4pm tom. I could not find the Mama Bear, but I have a Mermaid Sofa for you.
    Hey! Im available now as well. Lemmie put your friend code in and we will go from there.
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