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  • That is perfectly fine. Sorry for the confusion. x.x
    But I do have all of your items ready for Sunday. <3

    And yes it's 5am, I'm up due to I have a meeting soon.
    Okie dok, and btw I know I said a timezone but I havea feeling I messedup.. x.x

    Central Time Zone is apparently my time. So sorry for the confusion.
    I will be able to trade after work. <3 Tomorrow I get off of work at 8:30pm but on Sunday I get off of work at 5:00pm. Which day would be best for you?
    Ok I'm ready to head over to your town to drop off the items! Please open your gates when you are ready c:
    Okay I'll get to you in a few moments I have to complete a quick trade! c: just to double confirm you want Donburi, Beans,Tennpayaki Grill, Whole Pizza, Fine Painting and 4 Orange Cosmos for 40 tbt right? :) please add my fc and I'll vm you when I'm ready to head over :D
    Yes i can hold the items for you! Just vm me when you're ready c: If i'm offline I may have gone to bed but I'll try to be up :)
    It's okay if you can't trade now you don't have to send the tbt yet! c: when will you be able to trade though? and would you like me to hold your items till then? :)
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