I'm so sorry, I did a trade and didn't see a reponse from you so I took a shower, I've been sick all day. If your still on we can do it now, I'll be on for a bit. If you give me a time tomorrow I can make sure I'm on and check here!
If you have a time frame in mind tomorrow just let me know, I was just taking a shot when I was on. It looks like your on when I check, the green dot is always next to your name, lol.
It's a bunch of misc, in the thread, I will be on tonight if that works for you? I can re-send the list in a bit, on my way out right now. I know it was 700k + kintaro wig.
Hey, looks like your on now, I should be on for the next hour or 2, if you want to do it tonight. I also have 2 wigs, I'll give you both, plus the bells. Whose town is easier? Just let me know when is best for you I'm eastern time.