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  • I'm terribly sorry for this. I'll keep your items in reserve and refund the money so we can do the trade perhaps anytime between 12pm-16pm GMT (7 hours from now)? I won't get home until then.
    it seems something's wrong with my connection. It keeps giving me the 018-0512 error. Probably my workplace connection. I'll try something in the meantime, though if you want your tbt refunded I'll do it for you (I'll do it anyway since you sent me 5 while your order only costs 4)
    Sorry, I'm at work atm. I'll have break in about 2 hours, if you're still available by then I'll be happy to do the trade :)
    I've received your order and have reserved the items for you. I'll let you know when they're ready for delivery (usually over the weekends). You may also VM me during weekdays if you see me online :)
    No thank you. I don't have too many medals as I am buying the mermaid set. I will open my gates now :) just starting up game
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