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  • well, i guess i could be a judge, it's just up to me to find some people which would be kind of hard ^^ but good luck finding someone to get the chocolate cake
    Yep, but if you were Grace from Arizona I was getting error messages when trying to go to your town so it might not work.
    Sorry for the late reply, just saw the notification D:
    I replied to your thread, take a look :p
    Sorry that I can't make it ;A;
    OMG so sorry! Something came up! Seeming your offline now, just let me know whenever your ready. Please though, can you be ready possibly by today? <3
    Excuse me but I was out with my family ~ I don't get to do that very often and I found it kind of rude how you wrote that out. The day is not yet over anyway.
    Yeah it's the weekend so if I'm unable to trade today then definitely tomorrow okie? I, hopefully, should be able to drop it off quickly though (I'm completely swamped with trades at the moment)
    Hey! I saw your message...yes i'm looking for Jitters, but the thing is, i have no space in my village right now, I'm kind of happy with the ones i have atm, but thanks a lot for the offer! c:
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