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  • Hi!

    Congrats, you won in my valentines giveaway! See the thread linked to this message to find out what you won.

    Please tell me what time in GMT or EST you would be able to collect your prize tomorrow or Monday. If I don't get a reply from you within 24 hours from now, I will have to donate your prize to another giveaway. Sorry about that!

    Congrats again!

    Mayor Beth of Appleby
    I have no idea what happened earlier to you and your thread, but I wish you the best! I hope all is well.
    hi, i sent you the bells 3 times? could you give me back my 700 bells because it figures i sent you 700 bells i shouldnt have, only 700 though, the rest ar yours.
    Just saw your message on that Cousteau auction thread. What you said was so cute! It feels right to wait for yours though as that was the first one I asked for, I want to uphold what I said! And like I said before I feel like I've got to know him almost, silly I know! Thanks for your kind words though, they made me smile! Let's hope he moves soon! :D
    Ok Nyandash, will keep my eyes peeled incase he moves. A couple of Cousteus have popped up on auction, but it sounds silly I know, but I want your one! I feel like I've got to know him while waiting for his butt to get out lol! Hope he moves soon!! Thanks so much!
    Okay, so you are 10000% sure you have her? Because I would feel so awful if you didn't.
    Since you have her, and I still have her... Would you mind if I just gave her away to someone on the villager plaza board? Because I don't know what to do with her now lol
    Because I don't want to take the bells you gave me if Tangy isn't even going to live in your town. Do you not have space in your town for her? Just let me know asap :)
    Nayandash, I just logged back onto my game and tangy is still in my town... Did you invite her to your town?
    Hi Nyandash are you cycling tonight? Wanted to know whether to lurk or not? Thanks :)
    Are you not coming? :S Because if not then I'll move your stuff to a safer place since I'll be getting a lot of visitors in a minute and don't want to risk you losing anything
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