Birdd Dec 6, 2016 Could I please come by to sell turnips? I don't know what time zone you're in, but I would t want the buying price to change, it's almost noon here for me.
Could I please come by to sell turnips? I don't know what time zone you're in, but I would t want the buying price to change, it's almost noon here for me.
H H Halle1995 Dec 6, 2016 Thanks for letting me come by!! Feel free to stop by my town whenever the gates are open
H H Halle1995 Dec 6, 2016 I saw your post about turnips being 600+ in your friends town and I was hoping to sell my turnips.
Warszawa Nov 28, 2016 Ooh! Nice. I'm not sure I'll come collect anything but I'd be happy to add ya either way if you'd like. 8)
Ooh! Nice. I'm not sure I'll come collect anything but I'd be happy to add ya either way if you'd like. 8)
nyx~ Nov 21, 2016 Hey just vm me again when you can. I will be home all day so if I'm not online when you send it I may be later on.
Hey just vm me again when you can. I will be home all day so if I'm not online when you send it I may be later on.