Soda Fox

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  • I was going to post this on the 'reverse oppression' thread, "this thread is cancer, legit cancer"

    But y'know
    A lot of people don't understand the causes and effects of things. Premature opinions are common. (edited)
    Omg yes! I'm so glad someone else recognises her here, that makes me SO happy. :D

    Best witcher-wannabe. <3
    Thank you for that!! I wasn't sure if I was using Demisexual correctly but I was just wary that I could be attracted to both genders but still be Demisexual.
    oh thank you! haha i get the reference x3. but i've never actually played undertale before. just watched my friend play it. but it's all good~.
    and not that i'm not grateful for it but why did you give me tbt? i'm just kinda confused and grateful and curious at the same time.
    Yeah, I love Jack Frost too! I was going to make a ROTG town but sadly jack frost couldn't fit in the box. So I just had to stick with Hiccup
    Wow look at me responding after a million years. Sorry about that! :(

    Snipers are hard to play yeah haha. Aiming can be ridiculously hard especially on consoles. Lucio and Mercy are both super fun, since we last talked I've put the second most hours into Lucio right after widowmaker. He's so fun hahaha, I've even got his floor is lava achievement.

    TF2 is okay, it just doesn't have that oomph that overwatch does. And yea predicting is super helpful.

    Uhh I'd say I've played my fair share of FPS games! I used to be a massive Call of Duty fan in the CoD4 days, I'm one of the oldies. Until of course they ryined the whole series and now it's literally just filled with little kids screaming and yelling and yelling obscenities in their squeaky voices. What about you? :)
    All I know is the users who won in the championships and contests get their named changed pink and first dibs at the restock today and tomorrow.
    Aaaaah she's so AMAZING ISN'T SHE <3
    I really need to get Overwatch but I've just not been able to afford it ):
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