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  • hi soda!!! ill re add you once i try to fix mine too.. my japanese one works fine but i dont play that much i have a new 3DS but it just **** itself.. lol ill add you once i get my new one sorted might be 2 weeks away
    Hey! Thank you for the welcome! :D

    Do you mean the first piece wearing the bandana? He's actually based off of this older character!

    Thank you so much again for your words! Maybe if you have time, we'll play together in the future! :]
    No problem. Sorry about the delay so far. Work has been busy these days :/ Just provide me some credit credit or something when you do the guide. How many guide books? I have all the JP guides. I even have enough guides from magazines to make another guide altogether. :) I have bought nearly everything AC related here.
    isn't there one already made in English? it was posted in a topic somewhere.
    Thanks for the advice. I am just try to describe something that you can understand, and I believe that it can improve my English if I write something everyday, so just point out my mistake, and I will be very appricate.

    By the way, I am not Janpaese. I am just a Chinese living in Japan.

    Thanks for the message again.
    Aww thank you! I did not know that, I actually named myself after a K-Pop song, but I like that it can have different meanings haha!
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