Rover AC Oct 14, 2011 What is your fc on Pokemon Black/White? Please tell me! I want to connect with you on it. btw how do you get a friend code on it?
What is your fc on Pokemon Black/White? Please tell me! I want to connect with you on it. btw how do you get a friend code on it?
Kip Oct 13, 2011 Yeah i play City Folk/Lets Go to the city everyday! but unfortunately my roster is full so i'll have to see if meh can make some space
Yeah i play City Folk/Lets Go to the city everyday! but unfortunately my roster is full so i'll have to see if meh can make some space
Rover AC Oct 11, 2011 If your not busy then do you want to come over to Nintown? My gates already open
Rover AC Oct 10, 2011 Rosie is coming to my town soon. She had to go out somewhere so shes not here at the moment but she is coming back. Anyway wanna come to my town to wait for her and hang out?
Rosie is coming to my town soon. She had to go out somewhere so shes not here at the moment but she is coming back. Anyway wanna come to my town to wait for her and hang out?
Rover AC Oct 10, 2011 Wanna go to my town? I'll tell you when I'm ready. I just got to go to the city
Rover AC Oct 9, 2011 MY GATE IS OPEN PLEASE COME THROUGH, COME THROUGH MY GATE OR I'LL MUDER YOU! lol funny but threatining rhyme about how much I want you to come through my gate. P.S its alot lol
MY GATE IS OPEN PLEASE COME THROUGH, COME THROUGH MY GATE OR I'LL MUDER YOU! lol funny but threatining rhyme about how much I want you to come through my gate. P.S its alot lol