B B bloop2424 Apr 15, 2011 Hi, do you have the 3ds i doubt you remember me We played years ago on CF Im roach from Regno i believe ...I was a hacker
Hi, do you have the 3ds i doubt you remember me We played years ago on CF Im roach from Regno i believe ...I was a hacker
katiegirl Apr 15, 2011 they had me register something different but when they came it changed 2 blank
katiegirl Apr 15, 2011 btw someone not a member here attemped to hack my town where i cant play my wii or the game but luckily i had hacking protection so it failed
btw someone not a member here attemped to hack my town where i cant play my wii or the game but luckily i had hacking protection so it failed
TamaCrossing Mar 28, 2011 Is it okay if you can come at 8:00? thats when i usually get on but 7:00s okay too.