Soot Sprite

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  • Yeah, around there sounds fine with me :>
    and nope, theres not really anything that im looking for ;v ;
    Not a problem with me you can take your time, plus you already started so I really don't mind waiting.
    I saw your post, I just hit the wrong reply button and didn't realize it until I posted. That would be cool though. You don't mind? Are you sure about it being basically free?
    O: i'd be very interested in your shiny mew~ What were you looking for in terms of trading/payment? ^^
    I understand. I'll copy and paste the PM.

    Doesn't seem like a lot.

    Would you take Cresellia, Phione, Feralagatr, Empolion and Sceptile?
    what are the leves of them?
    Will you accept the offer or do you need more pokemon?
    I already have Phione, and I think I'd need more pokemon to trade.
    Then I'll add in Swampert and Blaziken.

    So Cresselia, Feraligatr, Empolion, Sceptile, Swampert and Blaziken
    It seems most of the time we are able to talk, it is around 5 to 6 PM CST. Tomorrow at that time?
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