Soot Sprite

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  • So, my bf's sister just got Marshal in her cycling town, which means I won't be trading Marina for Marshal after all. Sorry for the change, I did not think that would happen any time soon, considering how rare he is. We just all happen to have Marshal already and my bf was the only one who didn't have him.

    Anyway, good luck getting your Marina.
    I'm still trying to move Marina out. I was really busy yesterday, but I don't have school today. I'll let you know how things go. Leave me a message if things change on your end.
    I'd freak out to get detention, as if I was going to hell or something. One time I almost had it, during lunch. It was middle school, where you weren't allowed to stand up from the tables. Everyone had to remain sitting til they told you to get up and throw your trays away.
    But I was sitting there daydreaming, when I saw some ppl getting up, so I got up to, thinking it was time.
    Then the security guard took us and was gonna put us in detention. I was like D: I'm innocent!

    I never did anything bad in school :3
    That's about how long it takes for them to come out. The original came out in 2001, Wild World came out in 2005, City Folk came out in 2008, and New Leaf came out in 2013. 4 years may be a better guess.
    Wow, how'd that know? They must've seen the same person 5 times xD
    That sucks, you always get in trouble :p
    It must be nothing to you now. Personally, I never got a detention ^_^

    Show me your wish list sometime, I'd love to see it
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