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  • heya! i'm ready for delivery now. c: i'll send the tbt when you respond + i'll open my gates!
    Oh yeah Ill open just come to my fc u already have registered.. Town name colton
    right? everything is 2tbt each? before I was adding everything up as if they were 1tbt each :(
    so I have 6O tbt so I'll get 1O pink hydrangea, 1O white azalea, 5 cedars & 5 regular saplings.
    I have 60 actually so please add 5 more clovers & 5 more regular saplings to that.
    no worries. mind if I place an order? I have 50 tbt to spend so I'll order the following;
    5 clovers, 15 pink hydrangea, 15 white azalea, 1O cedars & 5 regular saplings.
    Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I am starting on your commission!!
    I should be able to show you the line art later this evening c:
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