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  • Hello,

    I'm glad you accept the deal. I won't be on until tomorrow now though, sorry.
    Okay i fill out the train station with 138 bags in totally. Since you suppose to get 293 bags; we will fill my train station twice. You can get all the money first. Save. Then we can trade all the items and 17 bags left. Sound good to you?
    Hey I wake up at 6:15 CST for work. I work til tomorrow evening but would love to get Midge. She was so great in my Gamecube town.
    gates are open, take whatever you want make as many trips as you want back to your town and to your locker I probably won't be talking very much, just letting you do your thing but if you need to know where certain hybrids are just ask, I also have flowers on the beach as well. on the smaller beach are regular flowers and the larger beach all hybrids and a lot of them its my over flow. you get one whole hour take take your hearts galore! I will save often so you dont lose anything.
    hi there let me know when you will be online and ready to come and collect your hybrids. I have also added about 15-18 bush starts, they vary and are in my plaza center so you can have them all when you come. also please add this FC as it for the hybrid town you are coming to( I have several more but the ones for my shops are the main ones I use one is for the unorderables the other for hybrids.-4957-5990-8979
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