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  • sure np I think I am going to do you first as I have not heard back from the other person yet and I don't want to keep you waiting any longer so please open gates
    ok I can do it in like 10-15 minutes finally done with the other trade just got one more trade to do and then i am all yours adding you now add this FC:4382-2511-6319
    I will have to get to you in about an hour about to do a 50 million dolloar igb one first and then i can get to you after if that is ok I expect it will take about an hour.
    Alright, I'm still interested in coming over to check it out. Just let me know when the gates are open and all that. Thanks. :)
    Soon.. I am really sorry for the delay! School conflicts with me entering the entries and such.. I was going to put the rest of them in last night, but I just couldn't stay up long enough and such.. I am really sorry again for the inconvenience.
    I had no idea they were going to pop in and then I got the error...
    I'll open my town back up for you, im so sorry
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