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  • I've been studying French from when I was about 7 (7 long years ago) but I've only recently taken an interest in it and I'm taking it for my GCSE. I think the language is beautiful and so is the country :')
    But I'm not being tutored or anything, no. Haha, I wish I was!
    I guess you figured this out from my conversations with Delphine? :3
    (And btw, I'm planning on setting Fauna's catchphrase to "cerfect!" XD)
    Your inbox is full :eek:

    Could you maybe make it a little bit more blue? I'm sorry I should've specified this for you in the order form D:
    But thanks so much for your work! I will wait eagerly and patiently for the others <3
    Hey Sparkle, I'M SO super sorry but NO ONE has pinged me yet and I'm really hacked off as I have to go to bed soon. I completely understand if you can't hold Chèvre longer, as I don't want you to halt cycling because of me. :)
    Alright c: Lol, you're being as patient as I am, I really thank you for that! :) And that's cool, have fun playing ^u^ Seems like your 2 hours ahead of me, I live in the PST! ^u^ Thoug hI could be wrong about our time differences * ~ * I'll be on around 2:30PM in your time, is that okay with you? :)
    Hey~ c:
    Seems like your inbox is full ^^"
    I'll be online for around half an hour, but just let me know if you can't make it and we'll schedule a time tomorrow? c: Sorry if it's taking so long to pay off my sig D:
    Btw, woud your town be alright as well? Let me know if not ^u^
    I was just checking in and seeing if you wanted that 3mil payment sometime :3 No rush, just wondering. Wouldn't want that beautiful work to go unpaid!
    Also, your inbox is full. ^ ^
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