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  • I think it might be purple, because I got some other dagger user from purple, but I don't know. It is weird that there is magic in red, blue, and green.
    Oh wow, that archer thing really helps a lot. And now I am going to have a team of archers since all my favorite characters are archers so they are pretty much all I try to summon. It's okay, I always ignore the weapons triangle. lol

    So I saw the different summon events. You just put the one you like on screen and then say summon? I got Halloween Henry after a few tries and omg he is so silly and strong. Blood and candy? lol What color is Jakob? The lists are kind of confusing. Is he also the purple/ gray like archers and healers?
    Spooky, I have a pitfall seed. If you came to my town we could dig 1 hole in front of a bench & use my pitfall seed.
    Nope, my pity rate is up to 4% and it better not be ruined by anyone else!
    GL on Takumi though, there are a looooot of useless colourless units that get in the way of him D:
    Yeah they end within like a week it's pretty ridiculous, esp with a voting gauntlet coming up

    It's the same voice actress, maybe she's trying to sound like cuter for witch Nowi? Idk. All the turn action lines for any heroes get on my nerves 'cause I can only hear the same line so many times before I'm like okay please never speak again
    I don't know why they would put out a banner with such good units at the same time as the halloween banner, like please I just want my witch and now you do this. Thankfully I already have both Takumi and Ryoma so I don't have to worry about it.

    I forgot what her voice sounded like, I usually play with the sound off but is it that bad?
    I got a ring with 3 reds and I got a 3* Stahl and 2 regular Henrys this game is evil I tell you :<
    I've actually been quite lucky with my other favourites (granted some were gotten outside of their focus banners) but Nowi please come home. It's even worse that they're event heroes meaning they won't be in the regular pool after this ends so it's now or never D:
    She's def one of my favourite FE characters for sure. When they released the silhouettes for the Halloween event I saw the small frame and was hoping for witch Nowi but this game just does not want me to have her apparently. I've only been pulling reds since she's the only one I really care about in the banner too.
    I've been trying to get her since the banner started and 90% of my summon circles have had 0-1 reds in them please set me free
    FE Heroes is kind of confusing to me. How do you use archers? If I place them a space away, they don't attack and if I drag them over to the enemy, they attack, but don't always go to the space I think they should after. I only tried it a couple of times though. I'm not sure what the orb thing is for getting heroes either. Virion was my first hero and the one time I tried messing with the orb thing, I got Niles. Now all I need is a Jakob and I will have all of my FE husbands. lol
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