• dunno. but its so sad we only get niched stuff digital only.. i mean i highly doubt people want to clog up their memory cards with that if they can just import it anyways
    yep we only got mind zero digital too. well i probably wouldn't have bought it anyways but really whoever distroed that
    That's the game - unless I posted in the wrong thread or something.
    You could just mock me back, yeah?
    Heh, it was an impulse reaction, really. Not sure what else you often say. ^^;
    Yeah the even more asshat thing is that they posted some lame excuse to EU users that they are not stable blabla etc. to publish it. I mean sheesh why do they even pick those guys
    I-i-i-its not like i want to be tied to your leg or anything b-b-baka!

    kjslks i so wish we would had rebirth too but ohno f u idea factory cant do physical.. jerks.
    Ahh, but you'll have a loong break after finals. Don't worry!

    Classes start at mid-July for me. Which sucks :c I barely did anything on holiday. lol
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