Bri Hassleberry Jun 29, 2015 aah sorry for the late response! I'll add you and get online! Thanks very much for the code, as well, I got your message! <3
aah sorry for the late response! I'll add you and get online! Thanks very much for the code, as well, I got your message! <3
Bri Hassleberry Jun 29, 2015 Aah your inbox is full! but yes!!! Hello! I'm interested in both flying Pikachus and the Dragonite code! Could I get all three for 850 btb? Please and thank you, and I'll be available to trade all day!
Aah your inbox is full! but yes!!! Hello! I'm interested in both flying Pikachus and the Dragonite code! Could I get all three for 850 btb? Please and thank you, and I'll be available to trade all day!
kuseiro Jun 7, 2015 It was just the 5 lol~ tho if yerr feeling charitable x'D (jkjk pls just send the 5)
MayorOrpheus Jul 1, 2014 I'm opening my gates in just a few min. Come on over if you still want the egg items. I'm holding them for you.
I'm opening my gates in just a few min. Come on over if you still want the egg items. I'm holding them for you.
MayorOrpheus Jun 30, 2014 2 mil for egg items, gates open for about 30 min so come on over! If not now then later tonight.