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  • Oh yeah I liked that one but it made me look rude.
    I'll probs go back to it though
    omg I just noticed the backround is the none of my business picture
    I don't remember my old one lol.
    It's just you're a superpenguin but you like pigeons but you're also kermit
    [20:21:15] <+oath2order> it was back when I was immature and you annoyed me but now we made up I think
    you wouldn't have to know about MLP to help with the roles though - I'd more or less just want to create roles that could be in any game, and just slap whichever MLP character I think fits that role the best. But that's okay anyways, I need help more with those things you listed anyways :p

    if I get the next spot would you be willing to co-host with me? <3

    I'd be more comfortable having someone help me with my first time :3
    username penguin
    title pigeon
    avatar and sig owl
    you need to make up your mind on what birds you're gonna obsess over, yo
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