Blueberrie Sep 19, 2012 Hi, I've seen your name on here a couple of times now. So I thought I'd just say hi! Love the avatar by the way!
Hi, I've seen your name on here a couple of times now. So I thought I'd just say hi! Love the avatar by the way!
JabuJabule Sep 9, 2012 Wow, that's a lot! And you got the golden axe?! I haven't even gotten it yet! I was laying in bed this morning, thinking of how my ACGC town will be 10 years old on Christmas Day. Good times...
Wow, that's a lot! And you got the golden axe?! I haven't even gotten it yet! I was laying in bed this morning, thinking of how my ACGC town will be 10 years old on Christmas Day. Good times...
JabuJabule Sep 9, 2012 Still play ACGC? To be honest, I kind of miss your daily Visitor Message on my page.
JabuJabule Aug 1, 2012 Hey! If you check out my pics and such in my request thread (In the AC 3DS Forum), and if you like, request something!
Hey! If you check out my pics and such in my request thread (In the AC 3DS Forum), and if you like, request something!
JabuJabule Jul 31, 2012 Buzz moved in a few days ago, but immediately moved out. I was crushed when I played this morning. T^T How is it that animals like Nate, Butch, Quetzal, Bunnie and Emerald stay literally for years, yet he moves out in a few days? Am I that ugly?
Buzz moved in a few days ago, but immediately moved out. I was crushed when I played this morning. T^T How is it that animals like Nate, Butch, Quetzal, Bunnie and Emerald stay literally for years, yet he moves out in a few days? Am I that ugly?
JabuJabule Jul 12, 2012 Sadly, no. Unless you have a friend with ACGC that has coconuts! And ew! I hate Twiggy too...
JabuJabule Jul 12, 2012 Interesting stuff! You can get coconuts by going to the island with a GBA and a GC-GBA connector. You get the savings account after you aid off your entire debt
Interesting stuff! You can get coconuts by going to the island with a GBA and a GC-GBA connector. You get the savings account after you aid off your entire debt