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  • My snowman matryoshka! So, I already added your friend code. I'll open my gates up in just a min...
    3DS, console table and you can catalog my fancy frame.
    No worries. My area is under a thunderstorm warning today...but I'll try to be back around 8:00 pm EST (7:00 pm CST).

    Did you still want the New Nintendo 3DS?
    Sorry, but I've got to leave the forums for now.

    If you are interested in trading, please VM or PM what time frames are convenient for you. BTW, I'm in the Central Standard Time zone.
    Hello! Here's my new offer:

    milk carton
    New Nintendo 3DS
    perfume bottles
    trash bags

    for your:

    kimbap plate
    new year's noodles
    sloppy sofa
    twelve-grape plate
    yut board
    Hi do you need stitches? ( no I did not think you smashed your face on a bathroom stall door like I did and need real stitches I meant the villager ) Do you have cherry or poppy?
    Thank you for ordering from my shop. Your Kiki & Lala set and Cinnamoroll set are ready for delivery. Please let me know when you're ready for me to deliver them. Your offer was 100 tbt and 10 blue roses. Let me know if that still works for you. Thanks! :)
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