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  • I'm setting them up in my town, so I'd prefer that!
    I'm just getting the last few to the station and then I will open the gates!
    My town is Bluebell.. I'd say it'll be open in about 5 minutes ~
    I'm pretty much done now! Gonna TT to five to get the rest. Are you available now perchance?
    Also, I just bought K.K. D&B. Do you need that as well? I can throw that in also c:
    Thank you Tabby for the free gifts! <3 and oops I accidentally did a "heartbreak emotion" xD that was very lovely of you <3 thank you again and enjoy! :3
    Hi!! I have your order ready and it seems that you're online :) doing a few trades now but I'll add your FC and you can drop by ~
    Hey there!

    I am ready, when you are. :D

    Instead of dropping all the bells, just follow me to the store. I put up 2 items for 999k each. That way, it'll be easier.
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