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  • oh omg yes i have seen it. my mom showed it to me and i laughed so hard. i usually always laugh at people getting hurt lol im sick
    and i will be the one who watches you cook while not trying to spill stuff everywhere or all goes wrong
    oh nice! what was it?

    and haha no, i ate cereal for breakfast and i ate ice cream like an hour later. :D
    i think marcel is a good choice, he's unique but he's also still cute ;v; i'll keep an eye out for you!
    lollll it's fine! thanks for looking out for me & lmk if you're looking for anyone else anytime soon and i'll try to find them for you c:
    nah, i decided to just stick with walker for now. i only need an uchi now and i've got pashmina reserved somewhere :') but thank you! <3
    I loooove the dogs too :') walker was my first ever lazy and made me fall in love with that personality, and I always missed him, so I got him back in one of my towns recently. he's honestly one of the best and I adore him ;; punchy & ozzie I've never had, but everytime I see them in dream towns and stuff I really like the look of them. and filbert is just the cutest too, I've just never had a spot for him either.

    but I think marcel is worth a try! I had him as a starter in a cycling town and he was sweet. definitely a little unorthodox looking but I think you'll probably like him!
    I was about to make a remark about people and big sticks and butts, but I think I'll just keep that to myself. LOL. Hopefully, your sig is okay.
    They took out all the good parts of that thread and some of what's left makes no sense. I'm bummed they removed my insult. It was funny! Sorry you got a lame infraction. :(

    I wouldn't be surprised if you got another infraction for showing a screenshot of your infraction. :rolleyes:
    I'm trying to think of villagers that would look good w/ the others...I was actually gonna suggest daisy bc she's adorable <3 but there's also Goldie who's just as sweet, or lolly since you don't have any cats. she's like my #1 fav eveR. besides normals you could get another lazy too, since you've only got one. my fav lazies are probably walker, filbert, punchy & ozzie, and I think any of them could fit with your town :>
    she is super cute, I'm so glad you found her c:
    & hmm, who else do you have in your town?
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