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  • Actually found out I had 3 more blue pansies. I have one set aside for that other user in my inventory, so feel free to take any flowers you like in front of the station. Gates are open and I'm sending bells <3
    Sure thing! You can put them anywhere in front of the train station. If you see any flowers you want in the big mess by the station you can takem, except for the blue pansy. Someone already asked for it. You can also shop, or sell if you want while you're in my town. I'll bring some other randomhybrids over too if you wanna see them. I'll have my gates open asap!
    Oopsie, well I assumed I'd be picking up, since I usually do, but if you'd rather deliver plz let me know xDD
    That's a great price imo! I'll just have to make some locker space prior. Shouldn't take me too long~ Let me know when you wanna connect, and I'll clean my locker before as well as send the btb.
    I hate to put you through the trouble, but if you could that'd be great, because I need lots, so if the price isn't too steep I'll most likely take any and all that you don't want or need. xo
    HI! Srry I was afkfor a while, right now I'm trying to get back to everyone in order. Yes, I can do btb for them. How would you like to do this? c:
    I just put it in my username while creating it, no problem. I do think my friend had to but a comma instead of a period though, idk why.
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