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  • Your signature is amazing! I couldn't keep my eyes of it for a couple of minutes! That guy is staring right into my soul!
    Hey! sorry for the late reply, I have 20 cedars and a bunch of random bushes- did you have any in mind specifically? I have around like 5-15 depending on which type haha
    Ohh, I see o: i'm sure it is! that's exactly what I thought when I saw the gif.
    ;v; sorry, argh. I'm trash.
    I'll aim to watch it <: just ... when I get time around school work. ;v;
    Huh? Sorry lol, I'm a little tired and don't fully understand. Do you mean my sig image? I don't actually know what short film you are talking about exactly, but if my sig image is from there, then that's petty cool c:
    Honestly, I just found the image on tumblr because I was looking for rain gifs ;v; (sorry)

    It's fine c: I like meeting new people anyway, and hello! <:
    ahh i haven't listened to that yet (i will later tho) but my favorite is butterfly *^*
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