RedTropicalPeachyFish Sep 5, 2015 Gah you're offline~ I got your stuff ready. I'll back when I woke up. Also add my FC please.
pandapples Sep 2, 2015 ?! That was a surprising answer. LOL. Okay just let me know when you're ready, assuming you're able to trade today?
?! That was a surprising answer. LOL. Okay just let me know when you're ready, assuming you're able to trade today?
pandapples Sep 2, 2015 errrr. Is it the kind of plot resetting that will take a long time bc you want a very specific spot? :b
errrr. Is it the kind of plot resetting that will take a long time bc you want a very specific spot? :b
OreoTerror Sep 2, 2015 Lolly is now in boxes! Please make an offer on my cycling thread if you're still interested.
pandapples Sep 1, 2015 Eh what time zone are you in? And it's okay if you don't wanna talk about it npnp
pandapples Sep 1, 2015 He's in my campsite. I LOST MY NET PLAYING ROCK PAPER SCISSORS TO GET HIM TO MOVE IN but yes he now chose charades and I got him
He's in my campsite. I LOST MY NET PLAYING ROCK PAPER SCISSORS TO GET HIM TO MOVE IN but yes he now chose charades and I got him