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  • Thank you for that info. I just this second ago adopted him from another member here. So my second town is complete now. :)
    Hi, I do still have him, but it looks like we have a major time difference here :( I am on GMT so it's like.. 7.45am here right now. I will hold Iggly for you until the end of today... I'll be around until about 10pm GMT, please PM me when you are online, so I will get an e-mail to notify me :)
    Hi, I have Iggly in boxes right now... but I might be voiding him soon. I noticed on the LF thread that you might want him, so I will try to hold him a while. Thought I would let you know :)
    I'm able to trade now, let me know when your gates are open
    Feel free to send the bells after if you'd like c:
    Hi! I could trade you the IGB now if you'd like since your only asking for 10 mil c:
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