That Marshal Fangirl

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  • Yeah, that's very true! cx and omg LOL once it just once a day? O: That's kind of scary lmao

    Thanks!!! cx
    Omg that's pretty crazy! I thought there was at most like 80 LOL

    Do you think they'll bring back the red turnips? o: I want to raise one up with love LOL
    No worries Marshal!! <3 I checked but none were sold recently O: I'm assuming 500-600 tbt maybe hmm

    YES!!! You should!! I would love to see more from you!!! <3 Also how much are ditto eggs? o:
    *Passive aggressive to those I'm not fond of, then neutral to rest, and really nice to those I like/people who are kind LOL

    NO U XD -enter NO U emote-

    Thanks for your help with the red turnip!! I'm glad I got to get one! cx
    Pshhh I'm only nice to those I like XD I'm pretty neutral otherwise hahaha or passive aggressive LOL

    You're the lovely person <3
    SAME!! It's super cute hahaha! If I manage to snatch a few I'll do more giveaways with them <: huehuehue
    YES I feel you lmao hahaha I've been trying to like limit myself on collectibles I should have, but then I'm like NOOOO cause I'm so attached to them too and I'm like welp, looks like I'm keeping these LOL

    I'm really looking forward to the Halloween collectibles coming out for this month!! Hoping we get a new one! <: Also Bat potion restocks maybe! *-*
    Omg that's really nice!!! I'm happy for you!!! cx It's a great feeling to come up with new lineup ideas and getting it finished XD Collectibles are too addicting hahaha
    IKR?? I was mesmerized by it hahahaha that must have taken a while to finish!! XD
    Omg thank you!! And SAME!! I love patterns, but it's so hard to achieve depending on the collectibles ; __; like your eggs with your birthstone omg I'll never forget
    AWW MARSHAL!! Thank you!!! <3 I always love your lineup ideas!! Everytime I see them I'm just like omg how does she do it hahahaha! Cx
    Yep! But now I'm freezing, haha! Especially my hands... o_o

    Thanks, love! Hopefully today went well for you, too. :)
    Ah, I see! I hope your studies have been going well for you man. Aw, well I'm doing fine! :blush: I'm currently eating a triple dip ice cream right now, and it has chocolate. I'm getting all the caffeine I can get today, lmao!
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