Sounds good and I totally understand my dear friend, the Kaleidoclover is my favorite collectible now! I'm glad to hear that you are doing well and I wish you the best of luck on the next 2 drawings! Hopefully, at least one of us will win in them!
Hey my dear friend, how are you doing today? I haven't heard from you so I was just checking to see if you were doing ok! I hope you are doing really well today and I look forward to hearing back from you soon!
I can see why you asked that my dear friend! lol Most of the TBT disappeared because I have been investing into shop inventory (the value of all my shop's inventory is quite staggering even after accounting Store Credit and Loans) with complete faith that the market will be very positive and many people will buy my goods! I also gave a chunk of it back to Danielkang2 to obtain Feathers for my lineup to trade (had to buy from my very own shop essentially xD)! Hope that makes sense! o/
I can understand. But if you want the golden egg, you’ll have to get it yourself since it goes against the rules to help others on the Egg Hunt. That’s why I hope.