• It's going to be a part of something bigger, friend.
    And one of those blades on that pinwheel wheel represent you.
    thanks! also if your still needing a full paint tool sai, here's a free download link!
    Oh cool! Thank you for the lil' gift! You really didn't have to, but I appreciate it, hehehe. Yeah! You got the pinwheel, that's a great achievement. You'll be one of the few with it /wootwoot/
    I could try?? I'm at school tomorrow, so I won't be back till later on in the day, but I could do it.
    hnnnn thankyou q_q & sorry again
    .... oh ahah right.. yeah i was woops wow..... . ...
    thats embarassing
    i was just wondering if it was ok to either stall your full town order or cancel it ;-;;
    i'm having trouble trying to make anteaters look right in my style, and im really busy concerning art /dead

    sorry ahh~~~~
    Both of the admins are offline right now and I don't have the ability to do that, but I'll leave a note for them. :)
    Ooh! Very late reply, but it is for contest winners. Anything left over is open to public, but I am not sure when. I remember reading from one of Justin's post something like 24hr ... so maybe 3pm edt today? not sure though! XD
    your inbox is full!! also, I'm online, but I can probably give you Simon later on cause it's 12 am here
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