Aww- I would love to take him, but both of my towns are on hold until (probably) tomorrow morning since I'm waiting to hear back from someone who reserved a villager.
Oh, that? It's not a GIF at all actually. It's a sig randomizer. Basically, it's a site where you can put a bunch of image URLs and when you refresh the page, the image will change. If the image is an animated GIF, then it will animated, but otherwise, it's not.
There are various sites that can do this, but I've found the one that I used to work the best, in my opinion. The site I use is this one: [x]
Hey there, thanks. I'd love her, if she isn't in boxes now... I don't have room yet, ehehe. I'm trying to move out someone but they aren't budging. How much would you like for her? I'd happily give BTB, I'm a little broke in-game.
Hi! If you still have Snake in boxes, I would love to take him! Bubbles got him from the other cycling thread I was stalking, so I would love to take him if I can. c: