• don't feel dumb! it's a little misleading to have the text and no links!
    uwu thank you! i know. i haven't made the threads yet and my blog isn't set up!
    it's not a problem, we all make mistakes sometimes! ^^ i did the same thing tbh but no one moved out because i only had 6 villagers so i got lucky. i'll do the camper reset trick until i get her but you don't need to pay me back!! thank you anyway ^^

    yeah i just looked her up and saw that she's a snooty koala!! tysm i'm sure i'll love her
    how far ahead should i TT? i went by 1 day and have no one moving in, do i keep going until i see a house plot up or??
    Yeah, Monday's fine! But wait, I'm confused, if you voided her, how can I pick her up? Or do you mean pick her up from the void? >.<
    I have the pansies if you're still interested. I had to step away for a moment, so I apologize for the wait.
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