The Pennifer

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  • I am also downing Molson Canadian lager (ooo it also says 'biere" on the label, très internationale), but finding a Canadian beer was a bit of a chore, as none of my nearby convenience stores carried any and I had to go to a liquor store to find some. Alas, i learned from the label that the Labatt's Blue here is now brewed in New York state, which is why i had to go with Molson... it would seem that, like Budweiser and Coors, the flagship Canadian beers have been left behind by the craft beer movement... Long gone it appears are the days of my childhood, when any American boy would seek out Moosehead to experience that exotic foreign beer skunk aroma/taste and the amped up 5% abv... now every mom and pop here is brewing 8% abv India Pale Ales, belgian dubbels, and Scotc hwee heavy ales... and the zeal for Canadian brews has been lost... like tears in the rain...
    I am indeed munching on Ruffles All Dressed chips right now, "#1 Flavor in Canada"-- it says so right on the bag, with a jaunty red maple leaf imprinted for added authenticity! and i've discovered theyre not merely "ketchup' chips, they've also got paprika added...
    oh thank you for letting me know ;; gates are open! sorry for the wait =( I actually had to move her in again bc she moved out naturally after so much TTing! @__@
    Ahhh! Pennifer, you're on. :')
    How've you been? I'm currently on a weeklong sleepover with my friend and sister.
    She just got Zelda Breath of the Wild, so we are taking turns to see how badly we fail.
    hey Penn, i finally started an album on my profile for the art youve made me.
    hope things are good or at least improving!
    That's not good at all! Spend some time with her if you need to, I'm always up and about. xD
    Sounds like your sister-in-law just went through something terrible. :'c
    Hope everything ends up ok.
    I'll look forward to our romantic randevu later this afternoon then. <3
    And I understand RL getting busy and all that.
    I'm have one summer class, so the rest of the time I luckily have to myself for now.
    I probably won't have so much free time in a month or two.
    But for now, I'm back into love for animal crossing and I'm going at it 1000%!
    Hey Penny! It's hard to tell whenever you're on, so I'll just leave this as an S.O.S. message to come find me on your own time. (Or I'll kidnap you for a few hours fufufu) xD
    I've been checking in regularly, so if you're ever free~~ I want to invite you over to my town~
    I'm finally at a point where I can say I'm 99% happy with it.
    I'd like constructive criticism if possible, and who better than a fellow artist?
    (Plus...I miss your company ToT)
    I see new faces everyday and you stick to the back of my mind like, I wonder How've you been?
    It must be weird, but I missus you lots.
    (Please call me maybe?? - internal groaning)
    grats on the restock loot! (i got some too ;) )
    is there anything youre after? let me know and i'll try to get it if i luck into more restocks!
    Just message back if you happen to be on. I can't believe I told so many people I would be available late at night and I ended up falling asleep. xD Curse the body's need for sleep!
    I don't even want to know how long you've spent on that game. xD Oh my gawwwwwd. By the way, I'm super proud of how my town is looking lately. Still some item trash here and there, but it's perfect for some company if you're up to a tour of Shinee~~ <3 I also managed to complete my rupee room! It took forever, but worth it. :'D I love the new items so much. I'm having a blast decorating. A two year break did me good. So much exciting stuff has popped up.
    I may have begged on hands and knees for my sister to help me on puzzle league. My sister who I consider master of gaming failed soooo bad at it lol. Like, I told her to think of tetris....that's not really like tetris??? And she never wants to use that Y-command. I'm just hovering and yelling in my head, Nuuuuuu you could have done this and that. Some of it may have most definitely come out as pterodactyl screeching.... Basically, I cry every time. My average score on desert island escape is like always 2k points below the recommended score (-.-) Basically, I suck.
    xD I'm just so horrible at the mini games, I can't seem to hit the target score except like a few. But I can see why no one wants to get rid of the sets. I think I found someone willing to sell the furniture! Nicole's shop claims they are on unlimited supply, so I'm betting on them. xD Y U Minigames so hard thoughhhh?! Ahhhhh
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